150+ Job starts – remarkable achievement
In partnership with Waterford Leader Partnership and Waterford Area Partnership, South Tipperary Development Company are delighted to mark the first anniversary of the Waterford and South Tipperary Local Area Employment Service (WST LAES). The mission of the service to empower career journeys has yielded great results after only 1 year.
The service offers;
- Training and Development: Offering access to essential training for today’s job market.
- Full-Time Employment Support: Aiding the transition from part-time to full-time employment.
- Self-Employment Guidance: Providing comprehensive support for budding entrepreneurs.
- Ongoing In-Work Support: Continued advice and check-ins post-employment for lasting success.
During the first year in existence, the reach has expanded with the establishment of 9 offices for accessible service across the region. 4 of these are located in the South Tipperary region; Cahir, Cashel, Clonmel and Tipperary Town. The service welcomed 18 dedicated caseworkers who are champions in career guidance. 6 of those 18 caseworkers are employees of South Tipperary Development Company and have been a huge asset to the STDC team. The caseworkers provide tailored support to each client and develop personal progression plans, uniquely designed to individual’s career aspirations. The team work to foster active participation with a minimum of 12 monthly meetings for consistent support and progress tracking.
Some of the key achievement in the last year include:
- 150+ Job Starts, which is a testament to our effective support system.
- Achieved a remarkable 4.4 out of 5 in a service excellence survey.
- Built strong partnerships and collaborated well with local Waterford and South Tipperary Education Training Boards.
As the Local Area Employment Service embarks on its second year, there is a renewed commitment to enhancing its services, further expanding its reach, and continuing to empower individuals towards meaningful employment. Noirin O’Dwyer, Financial Controller and LAES programme manager with STDC told us “As we look back on our first year, we would like to thank everyone involved in getting the service up and running so successfully. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. The team looks forward to continued success, growth, and empowerment in the coming years”. We receive amazing feedback on this program with participants saying things like “being a jobseeker, I was fortunate to be paired with Tony Scully from South Tipperary CLG. Tony’s genuine interest, supportive environment and dedication to upskilling have been a game changer for me”.
Our dedicated caseworkers operate from various offices across South Tipperary and Waterford including Cahir, Cashel, Clonmel, Tipperary Town and Waterford City. If you wish to find out more about our service, visit www.stdc.ie

Some of our team at a recent insightful training day on Adult Literacy for Life in conjunction with the Education Training Board (ETB). This useful workshop provided caseworkers with insight into the Adult Literacy for Life strategy and informed them on how to become literacy friendly when engaging with our client.